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lEO Breakdown

Leo is a fixed fire sign that is ruled by the sun, the only star in the solar system. The sun represents the ego, sense of self, and the father. When the sun is in Leo it is at home. The sun functions the most naturally in Leo. We often see larger than life personalities, a great sense of self, and wonderful hair and confidence to match. Unlike its fire sign trines, Aries and Sagittarius, Leo’s tend to be stuck in their ways, some may call it stubbornness or pride but Leo is the least likely of the fire signs to initiate or leave a situation.

According to the Rulership Book by Rex, Leo’s rule over; actors, arrogance, creativity, entertainment, entertainers, film stars, forearms, gold, heart, heat, love affairs,

Leo's best match

Aries (Fire sign trine)

Sagittarius (Fire sign trine)

Aquarius (Opposites attract)

Scorpio (Square but also a fixed sign)

Libra (Sextile, a harmonious aspect)

Sextrology of Leo

I have what’s called a Stellium in my chart, meaning I have 3 (or more) of the same sign in my natal chart. I have 3 Leo placements in my natal chart, Leo sun, moon, and mercury. I have both my sun and my moon in Leo, and I often say that I am a real definition of a Leo and embody a true Leo. Leo naturally falls into my 5th house, the house of creativity, children, entertainment, and romance. I am drawn to Leo energy!

When someones personal planets fall into your 5th house, it can feel as if you have endless pleasure with them and attraction to them that is natural, never getting bored of their energy. The 5th house energy is playful and fun. It is not usually a big indication of long-term binding relationships but the 5th house is inspiring and amusing. Be aware that the 5th house represents children, error on the side of cautious when going unprotected with the sign that falls into your 5th house!

Leo's are natural showmen and are also a masculine sign. I have found that Leo thrives off of praise kinks, power play, and being in front of the camera.

  • Praise > Praise kinks I see are common in Leo’s. It wasn't until recently that I learned praise kinks were a thing and that I like to hear praise from my partner. I also observed that Leo (men) enjoy hearing praise and it often takes them over the edge.

  • Domination/Power play > I find Leo men to be dominant. They love a power play, they like to tell you exactly what they want you to do and they want you to listen and fulfill their every wish. 

  • Filming > Leo’s are entertainers. Get a camera out [with consent] and watch them turn into a true star in the bedroom. I find that Leos likes to watch themselves in the act also. Get a mirror in front of them and they will be drooling over themselves and their partner.

My Experience

As a fellow Leo, it is very interesting to experience a Leo of the opposite sex. A Leo sun with another Leo sun, while it sounds fun and sexy, can be too much fire energy and it gives way to bumping heads and competition. It also can feel as if one is stealing the spotlight or needs more attention. Pride aside, Leos successfully dominates in the bedroom. I also attract men with significant Leo placements (Leo rising, Mars, Venus, and Mercury) and have had some of the best sex with Leo risings and Leo Mars. That is why I would put Leo at number 6 on my list.



II. Aquarius

II. Aquarius