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Aries Breakdown

Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by the planet Mars. Known as the first sign of the zodiac, Aries season kicks off the Astrological New Year. Mars, the planet of energy, aggression, passion, and action, infuses Aries with a unique dynamism. As a cardinal sign, Aries initiates the start of a season, embodying the qualities of self-starters and visionaries. Unlike its fellow fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius, Aries is headstrong and takes the lead without getting entangled in ego battles or wavering indecision. Aries know who they are, know what they want, and they go for it with unyielding confidence.

Aries: The Bold Initiators

Aries is part of the cardinal signs, which also include Capricorn, Libra, and Cancer. These signs are the initiators of the zodiac, marking the beginning of each season. Aries, representing spring, brings fresh energy and a pioneering spirit. They are natural-born leaders, always ready to take the first step and inspire others to follow.

Ruled by Mars: The Planet of Action

Mars, the ruler of Aries, imbues them with a fiery zest for life. This planet governs energy, aggression, and desire, making Aries individuals passionate and driven. They thrive on challenges and are often seen leading the charge in both their personal and professional lives.

According to the Rulership Book by Rex, Aries rule over; adrenalin, courage, diamonds, energy, epilepsy, eyes, forehead, hairdressers, insomnia, intellect, leadership, nerves, Red, soldiers, surgery, upper teeth, vertigo, and acne.

Aries best match

Leo (Fire sign trine)

Sagittarius (Fire sign trine)

Libra (Opposites attract)

Cancer (Square but also a Cardinal sign)

Gemini (Sextile, a harmonious aspect)

Sextrology of Aries

As an Aries rising, my first house is in Aries. This placement naturally attracts Aries and Libra placements, with Libra being the opposite sign of Aries. Many of my friends have Libra moons and ascendants, highlighting the harmonious connections between these signs. When someone's personal planets fall into your 1st house, it can feel as if they truly see you, understand you, and are instantly attracted to you.

When it comes to romance and sexuality, Aries are dynamic and enthusiastic. Here are some key traits of Aries in the bedroom:

⭐ Taking the Lead > Aries are natural leaders, not afraid to take charge in the bedroom. They often make the first move and set the pace for an exciting encounter.
⭐ Pleasers > Aries prioritize their partner's pleasure, often putting their needs before their own. They derive immense satisfaction from ensuring their partner is fully satisfied.

⭐ The Chase > Aries love the chase, they like to chase after what they want and feel rewarded by their conquer. They are the type to court someone they like while dating.

My Experience

As an Aries rising, I find myself naturally drawn to Aries placements. This has been one of my favorite signs to date and connect with romantically. Aries are leaders who love to share their knowledge and can talk passionately about their interests for hours. There is never a dull moment or an awkward silence that an Aries cant fill. They are not self-centered in conversations, letting their actions speak for them. In the bedroom, Aries truly transform, focusing on their partner's pleasure and showcasing their strong, assertive nature.