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28 Days of Gratitude: Day 14

28 Days of Gratitude: Day 14

I am grateful for friendship, the city of San Francisco, and the knowledge of human design and astrology. Friendships have played a pivotal role in my life, offering support, joy, and a sense of belonging. Maintaining long-term friendships, some spanning over 15 years, has enriched my life and contributed significantly to my personal growth. These relationships have taught me the value of loyalty, understanding, and mutual growth.

Long-Term Friendships: A Source of Stability and Growth

Growing old with friends is a unique and rewarding experience. These relationships provide a stable foundation, allowing us to reflect on our growth and the shared memories that have shaped us. Long-term friendships remind us of who we are and offer a mirror to our evolving selves, helping us stay grounded while we navigate life's changes.

San Francisco: A City of Growth and Adventure

I had a picnic day in San Francisco last week and was reminded of the city's beauty, diversity, and seemingly endless opportunities. I love being in San Francisco, as it led me to reflect on the time I lived there and how I was truly living in my human design during that year. The city holds a special place in my heart, symbolizing adventure, growth, and the embrace of the unknown.

Embracing Adventure and the Unknown

In 2019, I just knew I wanted to go to college at SFSU, and when I got accepted, I had no idea how I would make it work. I went in without a step-by-step plan, and everything fell into place perfectly for me. That year, I had the best time of my life, met amazing people, and had opportunities I would have never thought I would get. This experience taught me the importance of embracing adventure and trusting the journey.

The Role of Human Design and Astrology

Understanding human design and astrology has provided me with valuable insights into my true self and how to navigate my life more effectively. I am a 4/1 Generator with an innocence motivation, the 4 line represents the Oppurtunist which is all about networking and the 1 line represents the investigator which is all about gathering information. I thrive when I follow my instincts, am open to networking, do extensive research, and avoid over-planning. This understanding has helped me align with my true path and make decisions that resonate with my core being.

Living in Alignment with Human Design

When we follow our human design, we align with our natural flow and maximize our potential. In 2019, by not planning every single step and trusting my instincts, I unknowingly followed my human design perfectly. This alignment led to a year of incredible growth, opportunities, and fulfillment.

Reflections on Gratitude and Growth

I am grateful to be able to reflect on my experiences and see just how implementing human design in my life can lead me to live the best. I am grateful for my friendships and for growing old with my friends. I have multiple long-term friendships that still flourish to this day. I am grateful for the city of San Francisco and for all the adventures and memories that the city holds.

The Significance of Choice

The choices we make in life are crucial because they shape our direction and purpose. When we choose a path, it leads us to exactly where we are supposed to be. Embrace the path you are on, my friends. Know your human design and follow it. By understanding our design and making choices that align with our true selves, we can navigate life with greater clarity and purpose.

Reflection Questions

To deepen your understanding and connection with the themes discussed, consider reflecting on the following questions:

  1. How have your friendships contributed to your personal growth and understanding of yourself?

  2. What significant experiences in your life have aligned with your human design, and how did they impact you?

  3. In what ways has a particular city or place influenced your personal growth and outlook on life?

  4. How do you incorporate gratitude into your daily life, and what impact has it had on your personal journey?

  5. Reflecting on your past choices, what lessons have you learned about embracing the unknown and trusting your path?

28 Days of Gratitude: Mid July

28 Days of Gratitude: Mid July

Skye Salon

Skye Salon