
Live Lowkey & Free

JULY 28th

JULY 28th

Today I am 28 on the 28th. This is my golden year! In astrology, I am entering into my 5th house profection year. The 5th house is the natural ruled Leo house. I am a Leo stellium, (I have 3 planets in the sign of Leo) so this year is big for me!

I am so thankful for another year of life and I am thankful to live this life. I am thankful to age with grace and beauty. I am thankful for the people that I surround myself with, and for the love that I feel every single day.

I love the saying hay más Tiempo que vida. In English it translates to, “There is more time than life.” It is a reminder that life is precious & time is an illusion. Some people have a notion that we are running out of time but time is everlasting. It is life that is limited.

It is my wish for myself and all of my readers that we cherish life, enjoy it, and live it to the fullest. Take advantage of the time you have on this earth and Love the people that Love you!

To more blessings, more adventures, more love, and more life,

Xx - Jeané Tui

Scorpio New Moon

Scorpio New Moon

Week 3

Week 3