
Live Lowkey & Free

Week 3

Week 3

It is officially Leo season. The best season, the most hyped up season. The season of creativity and showing out! I am hyped up for my season & ready to enjoy it!

Venus went retrograde in the sign of Leo this week too & that has prompted me to really just take time for myself and to find ways I can treat myself & bring more luxury into my life.

What is luxury? By definition, it is : a condition of abundance or great ease and comfort.

To me, Luxury is being able to treat myself to things that I want. Luxury means relaxing in solitude. Luxury is getting to choose where and what I want to eat. Luxury is reading a book at the beach. Luxury is winding down on fresh clean sheets on top of a comfy mattress. Luxury is truly specific and special to each individual. I hope that this Venus retrograde that you’re able to identify what luxury is to you and then give a meaning to luxury. Live a luxurious life, whatever that looks like for you!

I wish everyone a lovely Leo season & hope it treats you the best!

Xx - Jeané Tui

I am GRATEFUL for:

  • Being a Leo and Leo season.

  • For the luxury of being still. Relaxing. Being able to enjoy life at my own pace.

  • My nona & papa. They are both fire signs, educated, and they love their grand kids. I learn a lot from them.

  • Stockton, California. Being born & raised here builds character, I can literally make it anywhere. Stockton has some of the most beautiful women here too! Don’t hate.

JULY 28th

JULY 28th

Week 2

Week 2