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Scorpio New Moon

Scorpio New Moon

We just experienced a Scorpio new moon on November 13th. A new moon occurs every month and marks the start of a new moon cycle. In astrology, a new moon occurs when both the sun and moon are in the same sign. Scorpio is traditionally ruled by the planet Mars but its modern ruler is Pluto. Pluto is the planet of transformation, destruction, and rebirth. Scorpio is a fixed water sign. Fixed signs can be described as literally fixed in their ways, they like what they like and there is not much wavering. Scorpio is also a water sign and is typically very private and intuitive. Because they are ruled by Pluto, Scorpios have a reputation for being intense in relationships, secretive, and intuitive.

In a way, this New moon in Scorpio felt like an awakening for me. I felt like I was jolted up into action to create a new routine and even way of living for myself. I created a mood board for the fall and winter seasons and feel more inspired than I have all year. I am excited to usher this Scorpio new moon energy into my life and I am ready for transformations in my life.

I hope that everyone has had a good November and Scorpio season so far! I hope that this season inspires you to dig deep within yourself and get real with who you are and what you want. Make a plan for yourself, and take your time. Good things do not happen overnight they start with a plan and desire to make it happen. I wish everyone a good November and I am excited to be back blogging!

Xx - Jeané Tui

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