
Live Lowkey & Free

Day 13/14

Day 13/14

Yesterday was a Capricorn full moon. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. It is grounded energy, go getter energy, in it for the long haul. When I think Capricorn I think of building a foundation from the ground up & being dedicated to seeing it through. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. Saturn is the planet of karma, discipline, structure, and responsibility. Full moons are culminations.

  • What is a culmination?

It is the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time.

It is the climax, the peak.

What has reached its climax for you? As far as structures, foundations? What structures have been built for you that are no longer working? What structures can you break out of to get where you want to be? What foundations are unstable in your life? What foundations do you know will not stand the test of time? This can be relationships, career, etc.

Full moons are great times to reflect & release what is not serving you.

I hope everyone had a great full moon. We continue with 28 days of grateful…

Xx - JTui

I am grateful

I am grateful for the moon

I am grateful for the Capricorns in my life

I am grateful for nice teeth & a nice smile

I am grateful to wake up & live + love my life

I am grateful to have a roof over my head & a bed to sleep in


I am locked in with my goals

My hard work always pays off

I am a go-getter

My creativity is fueled by rest

I let go of the strings attached to unnecessary connections

I forgive myself for decisions I made that I cannot change

I set boundaries & stick with them

Day 15

Day 15

Day 12

Day 12