
Live Lowkey & Free

Day 15

Day 15

Today I was reminded that I get love everywhere that I go. REAL, GENUINE, LOVE. The Love is so real and I am always thankful for that. I leave a lasting impression in every room that I enter.

My character alone speaks for itself. I am exactly who I appear to be, even better the closer that you get to me. My mother used to tell me that with me there are no hidden fees, no facades, what you see is what you get with me.

I think back to the beginning of this year and how much I have grown emotionally, spiritually - it has been a process. I have been cutting chords, I have allowed my fears to be expressed, and I have let go of a lot of emotional baggage.

I also had to let go of the notion that people treat you how you treat them, because you could do sooo right by someone and they still treat you like shit, even people who claim to be your friend. I move forward with clarity and confidence that I know exactly who is for me and I am so okay with leaving behind whoever shows me otherwise! Also removing myself from ANY equation that does not factor in my needs is my new idea of top tier self care and self-preservation.

My Venus return to my natal placement Cancer is happening this weekend and I am feeling so good! I also cannot wait for Leo season! We continue with 28 days of grateful…

XX - JTui

I Am Grateful

I am grateful for my regulars at my job, the OG’s that have literally watched me grow up from ‘16

I am grateful to have real genuine connections in my life and people that really do love me and ride for me

I am grateful to come from such a big family, and close-knit. I could not imagine my life without my family.

I am grateful for the brand reps that I have met

I am grateful to be in the cannabis industry, a new but huge and growing industry. I am true to this! Not new


Everyday I become wiser, richer, more successful

I let go of things I can’t control and find peace in the way things turn out

I trust in the process of life

I am allowed to say no when I feel like it

I am committed to anything I put my mind to

I put out love into the world and love ALWAYS comes back to me

Day 16

Day 16

Day 13/14

Day 13/14