
Live Lowkey & Free

Day 12

Day 12

I sometimes don’t have all the words to explain how I am feeling. Writing is a way for my to relinquish my emotions, writing has been a tool for self-soothing and self-expression in my life. I have kept a journal since I was 8 years old and still do to this day. I was also very into reading books growing up. My mother used to pick a novel for me to read each summer. I love that authors / writers can leave behind a profound legacy through their works of writing. That is why I created this blog and have kept it up since 2016.

Words are so powerful, they have the power to heal, destroy, and create. Remember that next time you speak or write - do it with intention.

Xx - JTui

We continue w/ 28 days of grateful

I am Grateful…

I am grateful for my love of writing

I am grateful for my mother, who loves books & shared her love of books/reading with me.

I am grateful for people that tip $

I am grateful for Trader Joe’s lol and the birds nests snacks that I have been obsessed with

I am grateful to be educated and Smart


My life is going to explode with more abundance than I could ever imagine

I am strong & capable & I get things done

I am good enough now & always

I am grateful for where I am in life as I look forward to where I am going

I have the energy & passion to make my dreams a reality

Day 13/14

Day 13/14

Day 11

Day 11