
Live Lowkey & Free

Stay Sweet

Stay Sweet

I had a really good Tuesday today and actually great discourse with people. Before I went to work this morning I decided to get some breakfast. I patiently waited for the voice in the speaker to take my order, then I pulled up to the window and the worker said, “Hi, how’s it going” and I smiled and said “Hi! Im good how are you?” and she almost did a double take when she saw me smile and she said, “Wow, this is like the first nice customer i’ve gotten.” She proceeds to tell me how rude and demanding customers have been, especially in the last month and I realized she was so shocked because of how nice I was, and I hate that. Why is being nice shocking nowadays? Why is it a rare occurrence for people to be kind?

Be nice to one another, be kind, especially during this hectic holiday season. You never know what someone may be going through and being kind is the least that you can do.

I will continue with my 28 days of grateful.

I am grateful for….

I am grateful for the customers that treat me well and take care of me. Today one of my customers brought me a yellowfin Tuna that he caught deep sea fishing in Mexico, he knows I love fish. I also had an old customer say hello to me and tip me just for saying hello. I have some great customers and I am very grateful to have more good customers than bad.

I am grateful for the Aquarius’ in my life. I am a Leo and Aquarius is our polar opposite sign. They are fixed air signs and they are intriguing to me. I am most attracted to Aquarius and I love how they treat me and I love their mind.

I am grateful for my nona. She is an Aries and she truly does it all. She works, campaigns, attends meetings, shops, and comes home to make sure dinner is ready and served for my papa every single day. Her cooking is also my favorite and her laugh is the loudest. I love that Aries queen.

Lastly, I am grateful to be educated and to be open to learning. I am grateful to have access to higher education and a schedule that allows me to attend college so that I can continue to learn and expand.


Jeané Tui

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Back to December / 28 Days of Grateful

Back to December / 28 Days of Grateful