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Back to December / 28 Days of Grateful

Back to December / 28 Days of Grateful


It has been a while. December always creeps up so fast. I love this month, the holidays put people in an uplifted mood, the weather makes you wanna cuddle, and its the last month of the year. I want to do another 28 days of grateful this December, like I did in July.

Expressing gratitude is one way to welcome blessings into your life. Be grateful, even through the trials. The more you count even the smallest blessings the more gratitude will transform your life. Take time to reflect upon your blessings this year & express gratitude!

I am grateful…

I am grateful for my best friend Charnay, and the open dialogue we have and the advice she gives me. It is a true blessing to have a real friend in this life. Find you one and stay true to them.

I am grateful for the lessons this year. It has been an interesting year for me and I am just grateful to be here.

I am grateful for my grandparents, they are pioneers. They worked hard and provided a good life for my parents, and in turn my parents are able to provide a great life for me. Generational wealth goes beyond finances, it is also values that can be passed down to your children that stick with them. Teaching your children the value of life and integrity, loyalty, and honesty goes a long way

and lastly, I am grateful for good oysters


Jeané Tui

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