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Have you wondered why you have been feeling an urge to out to people from your past? Have you got a random text from an ex recently? Experiencing car troubles? Or had a crazy time traveling lately?

We are in the midst of mercury retrograde in the sign of Libra right now. Mercury went retrograde in the sign of Libra on September 27th and will be Direct on October 17th, 2021. This retrograde period is NOT a time to be scared but more a time to BE AWARE of the energies and therefore be more equipped to take on the punches that Mercury retrograde might throw.

Mercury = the planet of communication, short distance travel, automobiles, memory, and technology we use on a daily basis.

A Retrograde: Is essentially, a period of time that a planet “appears” to be moving in opposite direction of its orbit as seen from earth. **Really it is an optical illusion because planets cannot move backwards. The opposite of a planet being in retrograde is when a planet is direct, or “forward moving”

***It is important to note that planets are always moving, ever changing to different signs, degrees, and houses and that has influence on everyone’s individual chart daily! Mercury was in the sign of Libra when it went retrograde.

Libra is the sign of the diplomat. It represents balance, harmony, and justice. It is ruled by Venus the planet of beauty, relationships, money, aesthetics. These themes may also be highlighted or affected while mercury is in retrograde! It is also Libra season, 3 planets in libra, so there is a heavy influence on our relationships at this time and how we find harmony in our relationships, how we communicate with those we have personal relationships with, whether the relationships we are in right now are serving our highest good!

My astrologer Danielle, @starsmoonandsun always advises us to not start new relationships during this time! It is not a time to initiate, more so a great time to reflect!

“Redo, reflect, revisit, realize, reconnect, reassess, reconcile, and recognize”

Personally, this mercury retrograde in libra is transiting my 7H of partnerships and I have been rethinking the close personal connections that I have with others and it has honestly been very humbling. This period has definitely shown me what relationships are worth keeping and putting my energy into at this time of my life. I have been reflecting on who I can put my trust into. I can say that being aware of the energy of mercury and what it is doing in my chart right now will help me discern my relationships moving forward and will make things a lot clearer when mercury stations direct on October 17th.

I have a video below further explaining mercury retrograde, since ya’ll are visual learners! lol Enjoy and share it with ya friends!!

If you’d like to know how mercury is affecting you and you have your accurate natal chart feel free to send me a message!! <3

xx - J Tui




New Moon Ritual

New Moon Ritual