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New Moon Ritual

New Moon Ritual

Hi all,

Happy new moon in Virgo! I am feeling very optimistic this new moon and I have a great sense of clarity at this time. New moons are the beginning of the lunar cycle - literally a fresh start. This is a time of new beginnings, a time where we are able to assess what changes need to be made and vow to start making those changes a reality.

I do a new moon / full moon ritual every month. The full moon is about releasing and the new moon is about calling in. Last full moon I did a ritual and I released people that are not for me or no longer serving my highest good and just days later people began to reveal themselves. I thank the universe and my ancestors for allowing what is not for me to be removed. Tonight for the new moon in Virgo I will set intentions regarding health, daily routines, and habits, etc. Those themes are weighing heavy this virgo season. Setting intentions is a way to manifest things into your reality - writing it out and seeing it is powerful too. I even read it back to myself when I am done.

What is a new moon ritual?

What is a ritual first of all? - According to Websters dictionary online, “An act or series of acts regularly repeated in a set precise manner”.

I say a ritual because I do this every month. I also have an order in which I do my rituals.

  1. I start by clearing my space - usually by sage / you can use palo Santo or oils, etc.

    - I also put on meditation music to start, or find a hertz that resonates with my intentions for the month. Youtube is the best to listen and explore different hertz.

  2. I light a candle and say a prayer for my ritual and to clear my mind. > Candle magic is something I have been learning about as of recently. [Someone on twitter said that Aries risings can benefit from candle magic.]

  3. I start writing my intentions in my journal - I start by dating the top of the paper and write, “New moon in —” insert whatever sign the new moon is transiting. Then I start writing my intentions.

  4. HOW YOU WORD YOUR INTENTIONS IS VERY IMPORTANT! Refrain from using terms such as “I will”,“I want” or “I wish” that may imply that you do not have what you are trying to manifest. S/o to @mysticxlipstick for this tip! Instead it is advised to set definite intentions. “I am”,“I have”,“I attract”,“I make”,“I create these are great examples of how to word intentions.

    **I must note that I have a journal specifically for writing intentions and readings that I get. This journal was intended for this specific purpose, it is advised to get a journal that has not been used if it is your first time doing a ritual.

  5. I end my intention settings by writing this clause at the end and signing my name - “I give thanks to the universe & ancestors for all of these intentions fully manifesting in a perfect alignment with my highest good and the highest good of all involved, so it is” [credit to @mysticxlipstick on twitter]

  6. I read it back to myself, close my journal and put it away - I try to allow my thoughts of intentions to cease after I close my journal because manifesting is about changing your mindset in a way, and believing that everything that is meant for you is yours. So there is not need to constantly be checking up on it. Once it is written out it is done. It is yours.

I like to do this in view of the moon or outside if the weather permits. I think it is definitely something that keeps me focused on the here and now and allows me to reflect and reassess myself monthly. I hope this was helpful for those that wish to start doing a new moon ritual.

Happy new moon loves,

XX - Jeane Tui



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