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Saturn was in retrograde for a couple months and I just began to notice and track the changes that Saturn has been making in my life and current situations. I have made a connection to this current transit that I am experiencing in my life. Dec 20, 2020 Saturn went into the sign of Aquarius. It was retrograde from May 20, 2021 and ended October 10, 2021.

I want to make this post to inform others about my personal experience as of right now. This is also for documentation purposes. I will update this as this transit progresses. I also realized that this is the last house Saturn will be in until it hits my Saturn return in Pisces just before I turn 27!

Saturn = Limitations, restrictions, boundaries, karma, maturity, limitations, well-established things, disappointments, discipline, endings, etc.

11H = Acquaintances/friends, groups, lower legs (ankles, calves, etc.), memberships, social groups, aspirations, companions, media, international friends, etc.

The research I have been doing about this transit has been very informational and has proves to be on point in my personal experience of this transit thru my natal 11H. I have read a lot about friendships changing, or ending. Saturn comes into this house of friendships and takes off your “rose colored glasses” suddenly you are able to view your companions / friends / groups you belong to in a clear light. The things that once was maybe easier to brush off with your friends don’t seem so easy anymore, Saturn is revealing a connection that isn’t solid. A connection that will not stand the test of time. Saturn comes into this house to shake up your connections and clear out what is not working, perhaps reveal what never worked in the 1st place.

Saturn has definitely reveled the connections in my life that are not solid and that will not stand the test of time. It has revealed friends that I don’t need to take with me on my path. It is crazy because Saturn removes what was never working - the good things are usually solid. So the solid foundations are only blessed when Saturn transits this 11H. I can see where my solid friendships have been immovable. My Aquarius best friend and I only seem to have a deeper bond this year and appreciation for such a great and solid friendship that we have built. My Leo friend and I have built a pretty solid friendship thru the course of this transit. I even gained a new best friend, my Scorpio bestie - who has been such a great influence in my life.

With Saturn in my 11H it could also show up as hardships for MY FRIENDS. I know my friends have had some tough times in their lives over the past year also, some of my very close friends. It has forced me to show up as a friend. It has tested how good of a friend I am to others I consider my friends. I will say that I have seen that first hand this year and I am reflecting on how I could be a better friend or maybe where I lack as a friend. I know I need to reach out to my good friends and ask them how I can be a better friend to them or how I can show up more for them.

** I have to also note that Jupiter has also been in my 11H of friendships > So this 11H is definitely being illuminated hard for me right now!

In Dec 2020 I decided I wanted to take astrology more seriously and I started looking up astrology courses that I could take online. I started my courses in February 2020. Since then I have been open to a world of new insights and opportunities and even a community that I feel great to be apart of. A few astrology accounts on Twitter recently created an Astro community that is invite only. I am apart of that and have been enjoying the interactions from others that are just as interested as I am! I am even in an Aries rising discourse right now! lol So I see who Saturn has shown me where I fit in. Saturn may be shattering unstable or unsteady foundations in my life but what remains will be what IS working and what IS going to be solid ground work for me to walk on in my future.

I had plans set to launch a podcast in 2020. I have been faced with lots of setbacks regarding this. Limitations to the spaces I can rent, loss of interest, and second guessing myself and if I really want to take this serious, even doubting my naturally abilities. I can definitely feel how Saturn is the ruler of discipline and as I reflect I can see where I have not been disciplined myself. It is hard to shake these feelings but since Saturn has been direct I have felt an urge to write out a whole new plan for my podcast and I am getting myself set up and re-inspired! I have also recently felt the push to be more private on my social media accounts. I deleted a lot of photos with my face on the internet. I have made my Instagram private.

With Saturn finally direct I hope y’all can start going forward with whatever passions or dreams you set! I hope you are seeing what areas in your life you need to be more disciplined in and I hope your discipline can bring those blessings to you at Godspeed!

Drop comments below if you know what house Saturn has been transiting for you! Or have astro Q’s? Let me know.

Xx - J tui

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