
Live Lowkey & Free

City Lights

If you simply got everything you wanted, would you even know what to do with it?
— Jeane Tui

I saw someone write a caption, “the city lights be my inspiration.” I could not agree more. There is something extremely enchanting about looking out at the city lights. It is inspiring. It is something almost unexplainable, to feel such pleasure from a view. The city moves you deep in your core. It is where inspiration is born. Where dreams are fulfilled. Where desires are free to wild out, unscathed by any negativities, and unworthiness. This is why I came to the city, and as a young child felt such a draw to San Francisco; the feeling that this city invokes in me. Not only are there incredibly scenic views and opportunities. There is a lingering feeling in the air that everything you ever wanted is right here, waiting to be yours. Everything can be yours.

I know this is where I need to be right now at this moment, and I am following those promptings, dreams, and desires. 2020 is about seeing clearly and working for what you want. No excuses. NOT simply saying you want something and hoping the universe will throw it at you - going for it. People mistake manifestation for some secret shortcut to get from point A to point B, but forget that once you are at point B you need to have the right mindset and knowledge to maintain what it is you want and then the ability and headspace to keep progressing from there. If you simply got everything you wanted, would you even know what to do with it? Think about that. Have a plan, hustle for what’s yours, claim it with clarity, and keep progressing. Life is about progress and finding your own joy. Hope you all can make the time that you have now count. Don’t just manifest, make it happen.


Jeané Tui



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