
Live Lowkey & Free



I am writing this as I am quarantined in my grandparent’s home. This is a very uncertain time in my life and for the entire world right now. We are living in a global pandemic. China was on full lockdown 2 weeks ago, Italy went into full lockdown last week. Last Monday San Francisco issued a stay at home order for all residents of SF county and most neighboring bay area counties. My college, SFSU also suspended all face-to-face classes and is completely online for the rest of the spring semester. I was supposed to be in Mexico today, seeing P-LO and partying up with my roommates. My airline canceled my trip. A lot of changes have happened within the course of 1 week. Grocery store aisles are sparse right now, lines are crazy long. People are stocking up and hoarding food like we are in an apocalypse. I spent the last week waiting for updates, deciding what I should do next, and trying as best as I could to roll with the punches. Yesterday the governor of CA issued a shelter in place order for the whole state of CA. This has affected many jobs in CA, and places are literally shutting down left and right. It is a temporary shut down but for many people, the question we ask is, “For how long?”

How long is this going to go on? How long will it take to get this virus under control? How long will people be out of work? How long will we have to shelter in place? When will things go back to normal? Apart of me thinks that things will never be back to normal. The things we are going thru at the moment will have an impact on our future and how we operate as a whole country and within our workplaces, and homes. Uncertainty is what scares people the most.

The unknown is a scary place.

I had gotten a pedicure in Stockton before CA put the shelter in place order out and the woman told me that she was concerned because she can’t pay rent this month if there are no people coming in. I wished her luck and hoped her landlord would understand. Although I am thankful that I do not have to worry about losing out on hours at work, because my work is considered an “essential” business, I am still concerned for the safety of myself and my coworkers. We are at risk everytime we clock in and put our loved ones at risk when we clock out. There is not a lot of information about this virus, COVID-19 / Coronavirus. We literally learn more news about it every hour of every day. Testing for this virus is limited and I know testing is backed up for this for over a month in some areas, and very expensive. All we can do now is wait, shelter in place, and stay as healthy as possible.

It is crazy how being forced to stay inside is hard for some of us. Humans are social people. We thrive off connections with others. I know I am, I enjoy socializing and getting outside of the house. This has been a challenge that I am still adjusting to. I do not function well with change, especially sudden change like what’s taken place this month. I thought I had these couple of months planned out. Now I am building myself back up, preparing, and planning for the what if’s and the near future.

I urge everyone to please practice social distancing at the best of their abilities, stay strong mentally and physically. Take vitamin C, elderberry shots/pills, stay hydrated and don’t touch the gas pumps without gloves or a paper towel. Be courteous of others at such a fragile time. Be aware of your surroundings and Stay safe.

We are living through a truly remarkable and uncertain time. Adjust accordingly, make a plan to succeed, continue to roll with the punches, and keep a positive spirit. We are here, and we will get thru it!

-Jeane Tui

Internal Language & Posture

City Lights