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28 Days of Gratitude: A Perfect Number (Day 6)

28 Days of Gratitude: A Perfect Number (Day 6)

I am Grateful…

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to take our family for granted. However, Day 6 of my 31 Days of Grateful journey brings a profound realization of the deep gratitude I hold for my family, especially the legacy left by my grandfather. I am grateful and proud to be a Tu’itavuki.

 The Legacy of My Grandfather

My grandfather, a man born in Tonga and who later immigrated to Hawai’i, was a beacon of strength, resilience, and unwavering faith. His journey wasn’t just about moving from one place to another; it was about building a legacy, a family that now spans 10 children, 24 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. His life was a testament to hard work, loyalty, and the importance of family bonds.

The Sacred Bond of Family

Family is more than just a group of people related by blood. It is a sacred bond that we should cherish and nurture. My grandfather's example taught me that while we cannot choose our family, we can choose how we strengthen these bonds. Through his actions, he showed us the importance of being God-fearing and a good samaritan, values that have been passed down through generations.

 Remembering My Grandfather

Despite his passing, my grandfather’s teachings and values continue to resonate with me. His regret of not having enough time to impart all his wisdom to his grandchildren is a reminder of the importance of sharing and cherishing every moment we have with our loved ones. His thick Tongan accent and bushy eyebrows are vivid memories that I hold dear. Reflecting on my family and the values instilled by my grandfather has been a pivotal part of my gratitude journey. His life and teachings are a constant reminder of the importance of family and the impact one person can have on many lives.

Practical Tips for Strengthening Family Bonds

1. Regular Family Gatherings: Schedule regular family meetings or gatherings to stay connected.

2. Shared Values and Traditions: Maintain and pass down family traditions and values.

3. Open Communication: Encourage open and honest communication among family members.

4. Support Each Other: Be there for one another during times of need.

5. Create New Memories: Engage in activities that create new and lasting memories.

6. Family History: Research and share family history. 

Skye Salon

Skye Salon

28 Days of Gratitude: 2nd The Best

28 Days of Gratitude: 2nd The Best