
Live Lowkey & Free

Word of 2024: Create

Word of 2024: Create

Every year you hear about New Year’s resolutions and may even make a list of 5-10 resolutions that will be forgotten amid busy schedules and mindless laziness. Instead of making that long resolutions list, I have heard about people adapting just a word of the year. According to an article, “With One Word, our goals are summarised and focused into one powerful, carefully chosen word. The word is less of a goal and more of a way of being. By selecting only one word, we remain focused and determined. The word becomes a journey with inevitable ups and downs.”

I want to adopt this one-word tradition for the new year. My word for 2024 is CREATE.

What does create mean? : to make or bring into existence something new.  I chose the word create because this year I am creating more than I ever have in previous years. I am creating the life that I want. I am creating cool and new things. I am creating opportunities for myself and my loved ones. I am not afraid to create from scratch this year and watch my creations bloom. I am creative and this year I will create endlessly beautiful things. This year of creation will propel me to new places, put me in rooms I only dreamed of, and expand my network and net worth. I am excited to create this year!

Capricorn New Moon 1/11

We just had a Capricorn new moon a couple of days ago. This was the first new moon of the year! New moons are for setting intentions for the month ahead and for bringing in new energy. The sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. They are about discipline, hard work, and reputation. This new moon is encouraging us to get our ducks in a row, get a plan in place, and stick to it! Saturn rewards hard work and discipline if you stay the course.

I think it was a great new moon to begin implementing my word of the month and get to creating things that I have been holding back. I want to use this energy of the Capricorn new moon to get up and get going. I encourage everyone else to finish out this month strong and to go hard for yourself. I hope that you also pick a word of the year and work towards that word in everything that you do this year.

I love y’all that read my blog and I appreciate it so much! I am going to be creating an online community where we can connect, create, and share information. <3

Questions to answer in the comments:

what is your word for 2024?

What is one intention for January that you are setting for this new moon?

Where can you be more disciplined in your life?

What reward(s) are you looking forward to if you stay disciplined?

What is one habit you want to overcome?

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