
Live Lowkey & Free

2023: The Reckoning

2023: The Reckoning

After the end of every year, I like to do an end-of-the-year reflection and give a theme for the year. The theme for 2023 was RECKONING. According to Webster's dictionary, the definition of reckoning is 1. : the act or an instance of calculating.

This year tripped me up a bit and also made me face change and deal with it head-on. I experienced a lot of unexpected changes that felt like setbacks in the moment but as I reflect on the year, I am pleased to say that those setbacks were setting me up for where I am supposed to be. Those ' setbacks’ were necessary for me to change up what I was doing and to work smarter, calculate my next moves, and be disciplined.

2023 was my year of reckoning and it put my life into the perspective I needed. I am confident going into 2024 knowing exactly what I don’t want as far as a career, relationship, and habits because of all the things I have learned and experienced this year. I feel like 2023 helped me to calculate where it is I want to be and helped to lead me to it!

I know not to stay in one place for too long, to only work for a company that I believe in and am willing to support, to always listen to that little voice inside of me (my intuition) because it is my first layer of protection, and to spend more time experiencing life! 2023 was a great year of reckoning for me and I am thankful for the year that I had.

I am thankful for the friends that I made this year, for finishing my bachelor’s degree, for not giving up, and for staying true to myself. So thankful for my family and for my true friends who uplift and support me. I am so excited for this new year and I am forever blessed and thankful for the lessons that 2023 taught me. I will go into 2024 optimistic, rebranded, and ready to create my dream life.

I hope that y’all go into this new year with a plan and drive to create the life you want. Start now! Think smart, and put in the work for your future. Be thankful and stay lowkey and free.


Jeané Tui

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