
Live Lowkey & Free



This is my annual farewell to another year. 2022, it has been so real. 

Each year I like to give a theme for the year, or word to describe the year. The word to describe 2022 is perseverance

What is perseverance? (According to the Webster's dictionary) : continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition : the action or condition or an instance of persevering 

2022 seemed like 3 years in one. I can remember the beginning quarter very faintly, and then summer hit and it was like I was living in a Katy Perry music video, and then after my birthday everything seemed kind of dull and slow. I forgot I even went out of the state for a minute. Sometimes I get so caught up in everyday life that I forget to stop and soak it all in.

I think this year was truly about persevering, pushing through and continuing to do my best, even when I didn't know what would happen next, or when I didn't fully know what I wanted. 2022 was not hard nor was it easy for me. This year I learned that no matter what I will be okay and I will push through. This year I decided what I want out of my life and more importantly, what I do not want! I decided to leave the rest of that shit in 2022, no more being indecisive, no more putting others' needs before mine, no more staying in spaces that I am not respected, or second guessing my intuition. No more playing about me! 

It is almost my half birthday and 27 has taught me a great deal already. I am thankful for this year. I am thankful for the people in my life right now, for my friends that love, respect, and cherish me. I am thankful for my family and to have a great support system, I am thankful to be educated and to continue my education. I am thankful to enter 2023 and to be here. I am excited for this year and I look forward to changing my life and getting closer to my dreams. 

Hope this year brings blessings, love, and abundance to everyone that reads this. May you persevere through whatever storm life brings and know you will be okay. 


Jeane Tui 

Venus in Cancer

Venus in Cancer

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice