
Live Lowkey & Free

Day 5

Day 5

I am starting to see just how dedicated and committed that I can be to the life that I want and I realize how disciplined I need to be in order to get there!

I felt a shift in my life a couple of months ago. A shift in the things, people, and places that I dedicate my time too. I am much more aware of myself and my life and the direction that I am headed. I am more aware of who I want in my life and who is a distraction on my path. This 26th year has been very interesting and such an eye opener for me. The countdown to 27 only puts a fire under me to accomplish my goals and go after my dreams!

I continue with 28 days of grateful,

Xx - JTui

Day 4 / I am grateful for:

My beautiful life

My legs


Beet juice

Networking - connecting with people


I put out good energy and good energy comes back to me

I spend money freely because I know it will come right back to me

I am focused and ready to receive blessings

I am open to Love and romance

My life is beautiful, romantic, and fun

Day 6/7

Day 6/7

Day 4

Day 4