
Live Lowkey & Free

Day 4

Day 4

Happy Independence Day! I celebrated today with making my favorite food from Trader Joes and fulfilling orders for my business. I don’t like fireworks much tbh. I think about how lucky we are to live in a country that allows so much freedom. To even be able to voice our opinions about issues without being arrested or detained is something that a lot of us take for granted. I think about my best friend who is from Myanmar and in his country, journalist get sent to prison for reporting on things. There are people living with a war zone in their backyard, not knowing if they will live tomorrow. We do not even know that reality here. I am grateful today to live in this country and have the freedoms that we do. It is not by any means perfect and there are some real issues that need to be dealt with.

My heart goes out to those women in the 26 states, that banned abortion and access to sexual healthcare, my prayers go out to y’all. The government should NOT have the power to regulate a woman’s body! Period!

I continue with my 28 days of grateful…

Day 4 / I am grateful for:

I am grateful to live in California

I am grateful to be employed

I am grateful for my freedom

I am grateful to be a woman

I am grateful to have the power to bring life to this world


I deserve amazing things

I follow my dreams and make them my reality

My happiness is my choice

I look good & feel good

I am open and receptive to what the universe is ready to show me

Day 5

Day 5

Day 3

Day 3