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The importance of friends

The importance of friends

I used to roll my eyes when my mother would tell me “you're going where they're going!” She would tell me what lil friends she thought were not the right fit for me and gently remind me by saying that. It wasn't till I got to my mid-twenties that I truly understood the depth of what my mother was telling me. She was instilling in me the key to my future. She also used to tell me,

Show me your friends & I’ll show you your future!

I don't think it is talked about enough that the company you keep can really make or break you! It is so so so important to surround yourself with people that share the same standards as you do, that understand you and your goals and also know themselves and where they want to go in life.

What are standards? 

According to the dictionary online:

  • a level of quality or attainment.

  • a required or agreed level of quality or attainment.

  • a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment:

Friends are family you choose. You choose to ride with each other. Make sure ya’ll have the same destination in your GPS. It is okay to not take the same route, but know where ya’ll want to end up at and make sure you’re taking the right steps to get there. Who you spend your time with is who you become! It's imperative to your future and overall well being that you surround yourself with people that are going where you are going in life!

Businessman Dan Pena said, “Good habits are hard to come by but what’s even harder to come by are people that have good habits that you can be around!” Know the company you keep, hold them to the same standards you hold yourself! Dan Pena said, “You are sculpting yourself out of those people”. Be choosy about where and with whom you spend your time and energy on! Be picky about your time and access to you.

I am okay with having 5 great friends that share the same goals, have similar morals and standards and are moving through life with a purpose, just like I am. The days of having friends to fill in the time and go out and party with, smoke all day everyday with, that don’t have a vision for their life, is over. My circle is full of goal minds!

Watch this video featuring Dan Pena, talking about the importance of hanging around people with good habits and understand who you are, where you want to be, then choose your friends wisely. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO BE ALONE!

Xx - JTui



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