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Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter moved into Aries on May 10, 2022. I want to write about the Jupiter ingress too Aries because I can’t speak for everyone, but I definitely felt the shift. Jupiter is the most massive planet in the solar system. It is the planet of expansion, abundance, indulgence, and over-indulgence, higher education, long-distance travel, and prosperity. Jupiter spends about a year in each sign. It has not been in a fire sign since 2019, when Jupiter entered Sagittarius in 2018 and stayed until December 2, 2019. Right before the pandemic! Jupiter then entered Capricorn December 2, 2019. Life has not been the same since 2019. The last time Jupiter was in Aries was 2011… What was happening in your life during that time? What did you learn? What did you gain?

Jupiter has finally entered Aries, and I am literally fired up about it!! Aries is a cardinal fire sign. Cardinal signs (Aries, Capricorn, Cancer, and Libra) are the signs that start off the seasons, they are the initiators, they have the great and bright ideas to start things! Aries is also the first in the zodiac and it is all about going after what it wants, head first with confidence. I think this will be a great time to initiate and pop out, do what you have always wanted to do, set yourself up for success, and take a chance! This is the perfect energy to do so. (Might want to wait until after the first week of June when Mercury is not retrograde) But definitely a great time to brainstorm ideas, set a plan, make some goals for the summer.

Jupiter will be in Aries from May 2022-October 2022, then it will go back into Pisces for 2 months and enter Aries again from December 2022-May 2023. The energy you feel now will be present until 2023, remember that! The things that Jupiter brings can come in form of education, learning, you could gain something. Be aware of doing things in excess and over-indulging! What Jupiter touches it expands, whether good or bad.

I am excited because I am an Aries rising, so Jupiter is in my 1st house of self, appearance, and body. I feel like putting myself out there more and networking. I just recently hit 20k on TikTok and I am happy, the more I put myself out there the more I will be seen. This Jupiter in Aries transit will be especially hyped for the fire signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

I hope this Jupiter in Aries ingress has put a fire under you and you go after whatever you want! The world is yours! Remember, fortune favors the bold!

XX - Jeane Tui



Aries Szn 2022

Aries Szn 2022