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Aries Szn 2022

Aries Szn 2022

It is the last day of April and I don't even know where the time has gone. I am taking each day as it comes and I am learning to ride the wave of this crazy life. I give this month the saying, “All good things must come to an end” because one thing ends only for another to begin and that is the beauty of life! It is a never ending cycle of death and rebirth and it is beautiful to witness. 

Tomorrow is a new moon solar eclipse. My astrologer Danielle, @starsmoonandsun on Twitter often talks about eclipses being a wild card energy, something that cannot be prepared for. She said on twitter, “April is MAJOR portal energy we start the month with a new moon in Aries on April 1st & we close the month with a New moon eclipse on April 30th! We are entering eclipse season events are highly fated this month.” 

April is MAJOR portal energy we start the month with a new moon in Aries on April 1st & we close the month with a New moon eclipse on April 30th! We are entering eclipse season events are highly fated this month.
— @starsmoonandsun / Twitter

Eclipses are times of fated events and sudden changes. What takes place now was waiting in the wings to happen. It is not the best time to initiate or to do rituals. It is best to take care and to relish in what you know and value. I know what took place for me this month was just waiting to happen and I am glad that it did. @tashabeee on Twitter tweeted, “Thank God for all the times Eclipses shifted things I wouldn't.” 

This new moon in Taurus sits in my 2nd house of value, material, and wealth, opposite my 8th house of death, renewal, and other people's money, in Scorpio. I have my south node in Taurus and my North node in Scorpio so these themes are coming up heavy for me. This month I have learned the significance of letting go of people that do not value me or bring value to me. I am learning to put myself and my needs first because I value myself and respect myself. I know how important it is to trust my gut and to go with it! Oftentimes I feel one way and try to process how or why I feel that, when I should just go with how I feel in the first place. I have learned to NEVER doubt my gut instinct.

This month has been a bit somber for me. It is the last month that my best friend will be in San Francisco, and I cannot say that I am not sad. I met Swezy in 2019. You ever remember the day you & your best friend became best friends? For us it was October 31, 2019. It was a cold night in the city of San Francisco and I was dressed up in a lil Black dress with fake bruises and a purge mask. My best friend was a vampire, fangs and all and he was drunk telling stories to whoever would listen. I will never forget him tipping the Uber driver because I had to puke outside of the car window. (Blackouts seem to bring people together). He ended up sleeping on the couch that night and when I woke in the morning he had folded the blankets and left, just like that.

I have come across many people but not many that feel like home. Swezy feels like home to me. I invited him to my family Thanksgiving in 2020 and we cried together at Thanksgiving dinner as we said what we are grateful for. He held my hand on the car ride to BART when I got the call that my beloved Percy had to be put down. He didn't know that I love holding hands, it was just his nurturing instinct to grab mine. He told me he had never seen me cry until that day. I will cry when he leaves though. In our 4-years of friendship he has taught me to enjoy life and not be afraid to take risks because you have to take risks to make something happen. He is one of the smartest, gentle, and genuine beings I have encountered in my life and I am so fortunate to know him. I believe acquainted souls reunite on this earthly realm and I know we met for a reason. He said, “I won't forget about you when I make it” and I know for certain he won't.

I hope that April was good to y'all. I hope that whatever you learned in April you can take with you and never look back! Keep pushing forward to what you want, know you're worth, value yourself, respect your time, and forget anything or anyone that doesn’t! Remember that even though all good things must come to an end, something even better is waiting at that end to be discovered. 

Xx - J. Tui

Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter in Aries