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Astrology Experience

I want to share my astrology experience with you. I recently had a birth chart reading from a NYC based certified astrologer, I have been faithfully following on Twitter for 2 years. Her business name is @Sunmoonandstars. I will link her website below.

For those of you who know me, you know how I am with astrology. It is bigger than just your horoscope and reading your general daily horoscope. I honestly don’t read my horoscope AT ALL. Astrology is much more than that, so it is funny when people belittle it or brush it off as a hoax. Astrology is an ancient study that dates back to Babylon, and It is literally a field of study in school. I started getting into astrology and found out about birth charts in 2017. Your birth chart is basically a glimpse of exactly where the planets were positioned at the time of your birth, and is unique to you. The planets and their specific positions all have a great significance on who you are. I am a Leo sun, Leo moon, Aries rising. (Those of you who don’t understand astrology basics is probably lost by that, but if you want to know what your birth chart consists of go to https://cafeastrology.com/articles/howtoobtainchart.html)

I scheduled a Facetime consultation by giving her my birth date, exact time of birth, and birthplace or location at birth. With that information she analyzes my birth chart, generates my chart, and is able to break down my natal aspects, and transits with her knowledge and expertise of astrology. If you are skeptical about astrology, I swear you wont be after doing something like this. I was amazed and at awe by her findings.

First, she went over my natal aspects, which just means the relationships between planets, as defined by the degrees of distance between them. For example hard aspects are considered, oppositions, squares, and conjunctions to planets, houses, or signs. When planets are sextile, and trine another planet, house, or sign they are considered harmonious. Everyone is born with unique aspects, which make up who they are, and are also tied in with past lives, and your ancestors. Some aspects are even generational.

Although I believe natal charts to be very personal, I would like to share one of mine with you. I have Mercury sextile Mars. The first thing my astrologer asked was if I was a writer. I actually was stunned when she asked me this. I told her that I actually loved to write! I shared that I had a blog, and while she was speaking I was also taking notes. She said people with this placement have a natural talent for communicating and for writing. She encouraged me to stick with it, and develop that natal talent. It is crazy because ever since I was about 8 years old I have kept a journal. I wrote to to release, to find solitude in my own racing thoughts. I also enjoy communicating with people, I feel like I am a very approachable person so I am able to break barriers and communicate with all types of people. To learn this was a boost of confidence in my own natural abilities.

I was honestly shook to learn about my natal aspects. I even had some hard aspects that she went over in my chart, that were pretty personal. I must say not all charts are fun and happy to read, when hard aspects are present it is important to understand that it is something we need to know so we can acknowledge, and learn to deal with that accordingly. Knowledge is power, so to know about my hard aspects was eye-opening and also empowering for me.

I shared my experience with my mom, and she even wants to have a consultation! Astrology is real, and I had to share this experience cause it was a great one and something that someone could benefit from. Why wouldn’t you want to understand yourself better? If you have any questions feel free to comment. The astrologer who did my reading is @starsmoonandsun on twitter / youtube. Her site is https://starsmoonandsun.com/product/natal-chart/

All Love,

J Tui

Solo Trip 2k19

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