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Good Energy

Good Energy

As we enter into 2019, and start a new year I think it is important to remember to keep good energy about starting new. I want to share some ways we can keep good energy around us, and also share some of my goals for 2019.

  1. My key thing is to wake up energized and in good spirits. I always wake and say a little prayer, ask that the day go good, and also give thanks. I start my morning usually with a good breakfast, because I love breakfast. Starting out the morning how you like sets the tone for the rest of the day. (I also am trying not to go on social media in the AM or right when I wake up).

  2. Surrounding yourself with good energy is very important! Are your friends uplifting you? Encouraging you? Making you feel good? Helping you succeed in life and accomplishing goals? Make sure you surround yourself with people who reflect you, and who also share in similar goals, or aspirations in life. It feels good when someone can positively feed off of your vibes, ideas, perspectives, and energy and then vice versa! That is the best relationships to have and to form, and to keep going. 

  3. It is okay to have an off day. Some days are good, some days are really good, and then some days are just bad. Don’t let the day take hold of your emotions, or get the best of you. There is always tomorrow!

I have said it before, I think it is important to share goals with others because you are expressing them out loud, affirming your goals. I love to write down my goals also, and hang them on my door in my room. Something about visually seeing it helps me.

My goal last year for my 23rd year was to be more self-disciplined. I would like to take that with me into 2019, and learn to practice that fully.

I want to strive for health this year. I will do that by being self-disciplined, eating healthier, and making conscious healthy decisions. I went vegetarian in 2017 for 3-months and it really worked for me. I am planning to go pescatarian again for 2 months.

I want to travel more. I always say this, but this year I want to take more trips! It would be a dream to go out of the country, Spain and Rome are my top travel destinations. Or even to places close, like an adult trip to Disneyland. I want to see more sites.

I hope all of you go into the new year with good vibes, and good energy! Remember at the end of the day this is your life and it is what you make it!


Jeane Tui

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