
Live Lowkey & Free

Rise & Grind

Rise & Grind

I love waking up in the morning! I kid you not, it is one of my favorite things to do. What a blessing it is to wake up, breath, and be alive. I wake up in such a good mood and I start the day with a thankful heart.

A lot of people struggle with waking up. I am thankful that I have learned to be a morning person and love mornings. Just 2 years ago, I was such a negative person about mornings. I dropped out of morning classes cause I was unable to get up on time. I would not hear my alarm clock and I would not want to wake up early. But as I have gotten older I have been able to appreciate sleep and appreciate the beauty of a truly good morning. I love to start my day off right!

One thing that has helped me stay focused and get up in the morning, is listening to uplifting songs, hence my morning playlist. Music is always a mood trigger for me, meaning when I hear feel good music or music I enjoy, it automatically puts me in a better mood. I think that is the same for most people who love music. It also helps to start the day by getting up, and getting fresh air. Feeling the sun on your skin and getting that extra vitamin D in the morning is refreshing and can really make your day that much better! When is the last time you enjoyed a morning stroll outside?

Another thing that helps keep me productive in the morning is creating a list of things to do. Whether it be a physical list or a mental list. The night before I like to write out at least 3 things that need to be done for the next day and I try to get those things taken care of first thing when I wake up.  I can be somewhat of a scatter brain, especially in the morning when trying to plan the day, so this really helps direct my mornings. I keep the list simple, small. On the days I close at work I usually put 3 things: 1. Wake up before 8am. 2. Make a healthy breakfast. 3. Get to work on time.

These things have really helped me to become a morning person, which was one of my goals for 2017. I am happy to report I love waking up early, and it is now unusual for me to sleep past 9 a.m. It took almost a year to train myself and get down a good sleep pattern, but it was worth it. Hope that you all make the most of your mornings and learn to love waking up each day. Remember it is how YOU make it! Mornings can be a drag.. but you don't have to be!

-Jeane Tui



Dabs at Lodi Lake