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Embracing the Magic of the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Embracing the Magic of the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Happy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse! 🌕✨ Do you feel that dreamy Pisces energy flowing through? Because I sure do! This lunar phase is about so much more than just pretty moon gazing—it's a cosmic invitation to uncover hidden truths, reflect on how far we've come, and prepare ourselves for a beautiful transformation.

Illuminating Hidden Truths and Reflecting on Growth

Looking back, I can’t help but ruminate at how drastically different my life is compared to this time last year. Back then, I felt like I was drifting through my own world, with no clear direction or purpose. But this eclipse? It’s like a cosmic mirror, reminding me just how much needed to change in my life to welcome a new era of growth.

The most profound shift has been in my thoughts on my purpose, love and intimacy. It’s like turning 29 flipped a switch inside me, and everything began to click. Now, I'm seeing the world—and myself—in a whole new, glorious light.

Reflect and Recharge: What Has Changed for You?

As we journey through this Pisces lunar eclipse, I want to invite you to do a little reflecting of your own. Let’s think about where we were a year ago. What’s changed? What stayed the same? And if it hasn’t changed, what would you like to see differently?

Here are a few questions to ponder as you soak up that lunar energy:

  • What do you dream of now? Is it different from the dreams you had a year ago? Or are they still the same, but evolving?

  • What do you really want to say to someone? Is there something you’ve been holding in that you’re ready to release? Let this eclipse inspire you to speak your truth.

  • What have you learned about yourself? What hidden parts of your personality or desires have surfaced that maybe you didn’t know before?

  • Who or what do you need to leave behind? Not everything or everyone is meant to follow us into our next chapter. It’s okay to let go and move forward.

Time to Trust the Journey

The Pisces full moon isn’t just about reflection—it’s also about trusting the path ahead. Time will always reveal what we need to know, and if we follow our hearts, we’ll find ourselves exactly where we’re meant to be. So, as you bathe in the full moon and let its energy wash over you, remember to trust yourself, trust the universe, and embrace what’s coming next.

Xx - J.Tui

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