
Live Lowkey & Free

Week 1

Week 1

It’s a week into July and the month popped off to a good start. I am excited planning for my 28th birthday and the rest of the month. I have been working on forming better healthy habits to take into my 28th year. That includes eating better, walking more, tuning out of social media before I go to bed, and starting my day off with positive affirmations. The social media one seems to be the hardest so far.

Social media has skewed the perception of relationships, love, beauty, and even everyday life. It’s like we are programmed to be on social media & if we aren’t we’re “missing out”… I despise that. I want to change the way I view social media and interact with it. That starts with spending less time on it.

I hope that y’all can also find a nice balance & learn to love your life, be free of outside expectations, or trends that are being shoved in our face on social media. Go outside, take yourself on a date, touch grass. Life is beautiful. Enjoy it!

Xx Jeané Tui

I am grateful for…

  • Sleep. Getting older i understand how important sleep is.

  • My grandparents. So blessed to have grown up with them and have them today.

  • Food and options for food. Food is easily available to us in the US, something I could take for granted.

  • Options. If I had no choices life would be bland.

Week 2

Week 2