
Live Lowkey & Free

Thankful ‘23

Thankful ‘23

As Thanksgiving weekend comes to a close, I have to say how thankful I am for my family and friends, but also I am truly thankful for my peace of mind and to live in a free country. To have peace of mind is a blessing, and every day you have to make the choice to get up and get on with life. I see how hard that can be for people who do not have that peace of mind and although I may not have a full understanding of how it may feel, I do feel for those people and it makes me grateful to have that peace of mind to wake up every day, and choose to live my life for me.

To live in a free country is often overlooked by the poor decisions and shady tactics of the people in power in our government, but to live in the U.S. a free country is a blessing. We know nothing about seeing war in our backyard, or not knowing if we might have a neighboring country attack us. There is a war going on in Palestine, a civil war going on in Myanmar and those people don’t know what it is like to be free. Those people can’t just say whatever they want to on the Internet, some of them can’t even leave freely. Those people are worried about not waking up tomorrow. So yes, I feel blessed to live in a country where we can speak freely, we can protest, and wake up knowing we aren’t going to be bombed.

When you are with your friends and family over the weekend, please remember those who could not be and be thankful. Free Palestine and Free Myanmar!


Jeané Tui

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