
Live Lowkey & Free

Day 8

Day 8

Happy Friday. Venus day. I’m on my way home tonight and I can’t help but think about how much I love returning home to my own bed. My bedroom is my safe haven, my sleep sanctuary. I treasure my night routine & my personal sleep space. When I was younger I used to hate sleeping over at other peoples house, I would always end up calling my parents to pick me up. Reflecting on that reminds me that not much has changed, I still love returning to my safe space & sleeping in the comfort of my lovely bed.

We continue with 28 days of grateful…

Xo - JTui

Day 8 / I am grateful:

I am grateful for sleep

I am grateful for my bed

I am grateful for summer / for July

I am grateful for my beautiful face

I am grateful for my nona & papa


I am well taken care of

My life is exciting & abundant

I am collaborating with the energies of the universe

I welcome genuine connections, friendships, and romance

I love my self in my entirety

Day 9/10

Day 9/10

Day 6/7

Day 6/7