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Traveling during Mercury Rx

Traveling during Mercury Rx

Happy June y’all and happy Mercury Rx + New moon + Solar eclipse! Whew, It has been a long while since I have felt called to write on my blog. Right now a lot is happening in the stars! The energy is feeling stagnant and a bit repetitive lately. Mercury in retrograde is a time of reviewing so it is very fitting with the energy that I have been feeling the last couple weeks.

This is my annual Mercury Retrograde blog post! (Rx = Retrograde for those who do not know)

So what is Mercury Retrograde? It is a period of time that the planet Mercury, which rules communication, travel, and technology is in retrograde (3 1/2 week period) and to the naked observer the planet seems to move “backwards” meaning its normal functionings will be a bit off for that period of time, give or take a week before and a week after. It is a time to revaluate and reflect on your current situation and maybe the decisions that led you to be here. It is not a time to initiate new projects, or start a new relationship.

I tell all of the people close to me to prepare for Mercury rx by backing up their technology / files / etc, to be aware of what they are saying / posting on social media, its a good time to take a social media break in all honesty. Because communication is a theme you might also see a pattern with people from your past popping up. Usually ex’s, old friends, coworkers, even neighbors seem to be coming out of the woodworks to communicate with you. I kid you not, this Mercury Rx my ex from when I was 18 contacted me! I also caution about taking trips during this period of time or if a trip already planned to make sure that you try to keep an open mind to travel delays and sudden changes to plans that may occur.

This Mercury Rx my best friend planned a trip to Las Vegas and although I caution not to travel during this time I decided to take a risk and travel. We planned to leave the airport at a certain time and we ended up leaving a bit late due to time conflicts, we booked it on the freeway until we got passed the altimont. We saw “Roadwork ahead” signs and the GPS literally went from 12:22pm to 1:21pm. We ended up stuck in traffic for over an hour with 4 car accidents on the way there.


My friends and I did experience Mercury Rx at its finest but eventually we got there, and we tried to be optimistic with the situations thrown at us & that’s what matters! It is not something to fear but just something to be weary of going forward. Mercury will go direct on June 22nd and themes related to travel, communication, and technology will go back to regular schedule programming.

Wishing you all a safe and reflective Mercury Rx!

xo - Jeane Tui

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