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Aries Full moon 2021

Aries Full moon 2021

Yesterday was a full moon in Aries. I have felt very self reflective and also a bit in hermit and review mode. I did shrooms last night and I was prompted to think about my relationships and be thankful for the connections I have cultivated. I am thankful for the solid foundations that I have with people in my life. I am thankful for the things that crumble and leave my life, in the same way they came in.

With that being said I want to talk about self-love. Taking care of you.

Self Love to me is following the promptings of your inner self. Honoring yourself by doing exactly what you want. Whatever that may be. Self care is waking up early -or sleeping in till noon. Self care looks different to everyone honestly.

It is my day off tomorrow and for part of my self care I am going to deep clean and then treat myself to a nice meal in town! Or possibly going to Berkley to have my favorite vegan food and blasting my favorite music. Self love also looks like going to accupunvture and chiropractic appointments.

I am going to try to Implement more self care, intentional self care in my everyday life. I also want to focus less on material and more on experiences and wellness. I want monthly spa days. I want a full body massage, and want bi-weekly blowouts.

I recently dabbled into mushroom medicine. I must say that this is honestly very therapeutic and clearing for me. It is truly a plant medicine.

Gut health is very important to me also. I take probiotics, seamoss gel, and kombucha. I have regular shits lol

Self love is treating myself to what I want when I want.

Here are some self Love affirmations.

I am healthy ~ I am wealthy ~ I am Love ~ I am Loved ~ I care for myself ~ I value my mind & my time ~ I deserve to have a great day ~ I achieve what I put effort and dedication into ~ I am a divine being

Love yourself,

XO - Jeane Tui



Review of 2021 : The Crystalize

Review of 2021 : The Crystalize