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Full Moon + FOMO

Full Moon + FOMO

Happy full moon in Aries! The first of October kicked off with a powerful full moon. I always feel the full moon energy a week before with nights of extreme insomnia and obsessive thoughts leading up to it. I have read that full moons are for releasing what no longer serves you & that stuff initiated on or around the full moon holds significance. I do a full whole moon release ritual, followed by writing down what I am thankful for right now. I find this grounds me and puts things into perspective. This full moon has made me feel a great sense of renewal and reassurance in my life.

October starts the final quarter of 2020 and I am both excited and scared to see how the rest of this wild year will play out. I started this year with an eerie feeling because back in 2019 my astrologer told me to live it up because 2020 was looking like a difficult year for me. Difficult was an understatement. 2020 has flipped my life upside-down! I had to move out of my favorite city, transfer jobs, do college online, and recover from an injury. I used to talk to my old roommates and say “Once things go back to normal” until I slowly realized that this is normal now. I don’t know how long these regulations will be enforced upon us, or when a solution or cure will be presented. I found myself complaining to others and even myself. Cursing COVID-19 for happening.

Have you have ever heard of the phrase FOMO? An abbreviation for Fear of missing out. According to the Oxford dictionary, FOMO is “anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website.” I think 2020 has made me and many others experience mass FOMO! I am not ashamed to admit that I had a fear of missing out on certain things when this pandemic hit. I had trips planned to Mexico and Hawai’i. I had pictured my year being lived in a whole other city. But being injured literally forced me to sit my ass down and I came to realize that what has transpired in my life has led me to where I am now, which is exactly where I supposed to be.

This global pandemic has made it evident that not being able to go out or do things that you want can create feelings of anxiety, anger, and stress. Fear of missing out can make you yearn to go out & do things. But know that you are not missing out on anything. The whole world has shut down and is moving differently. That state you were planning to visit is not gonna disappear, that concert you were gonna see will happen eventually, things will re-open. There is no going backward. There is no “once things go back to normal” because this is it! You are living and moving thru life exactly how you are supposed to right now. So sit tight friends, enjoy the now. No matter what situation you may be in there can always be a better tomorrow. The Lord only knows how the rest of the year will play out so move at your own pace and stay prepared.


Jeané Tui

Mercury Rx 2020

Mercury Rx 2020

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