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The Power of Manifestation

I am excited to write about this, as I believe everyone has the power to manifest their desires in life and get what they want. The definition of "manifest" according to The Merriam-Webster dictionary online isto make evident or certain by showing or displaying. If you do not believe in manifestation then sit back and think about a time when you really wanted something, or maybe someone. How bad did you want it? How often did you think about what you wanted? Did you get what you wanted in the end? If so, you my friend manifested your desires to life. 

Manifesting can be as simple as thinking about something and getting it. Usually your desires take more than just thinking about and wanting them. The definition said to make evident by showing or displaying. I took that as making it clear what you want, by saying it often, writing it down, and even expressing your desires to others. The other step to manifesting your desires is taking little steps to get to where you want, or what you want. I am still learning about manifesting my own desires and in my experience, if you think of, and take action steps to make something happen, it will. I want to share a story about my experience with manifestation. When I was 19 years old, I wanted to date someone. So much so that I stuck around even when he told me he didn't want anything serious. My mind totally dismissed that, I wanted him and that's what my mind was set on. I still pursued a close friendship with this person. After a couple months, and a lot of drama, he was mine. I officially got what I wanted. But getting what you want ALWAYS comes with a consequence and that I learned the hard way. 

Another instance of manifesting desires was my friend Maddie, who told me that I was going to move in with her and we were going to live together. Literally a month later, we were living together. Sometimes when you have an idea in your head / heart you tend to do things in order to make it happen. It is important that you think carefully about what you want, and plan for it. Think it over twice, and ask yourself, "is this what I truly want and need?," "How will this benefit me?" I am notorious for jumping into a situation without thoroughly weighing the pros and cons, and I never suggest that. See the big picture and be real with yourself before you go manifest your desire in your life. Hope you all manifest responsibly, and get exactly what you want in life. 


Jeane Tui 

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