
Live Lowkey & Free



It is the 3rd month of 2018 and this year has started on such a good note. I am more aware of myself, my life, and my time. I also am thankful for the challenges and the tribulations that 2017 brought with it. I have learned that it is okay to reflect, allow ourselves to feel and let out emotions.. and not always act on emotions.  

In my reflection of 2017 I have to say I am grateful that I learned to let go of things gracefully. It is still a learning process, but I have done a good job at letting go of what is not for me, and appreciating what is and what stays. It can be hard to decipher what is good for you, and what is not. Some things may look appealing, may feel good for a short while, but don't have the potential or will to hold up in the long run. That is when we must learn to let go, and leave behind the things which we know will not serve us.

For a long time I struggled with letting go of things, I would hold on to people, situations, and feelings that were not benefiting me. I found this was holding me back from being free, and being happy. I urge everyone to reflect on their lives, and those situations in which you felt uncomfortable, or weary about. Find yourself and the truth in those situations and address them accordingly. Everyday we make conscious choices, so reflect when necessary and make good choices for yourself! Your happiness starts and ends with you. Wish everyone a wonderful March and hope it is a month of many blessings!

-Jeane Tui

Slow Down

Slow Down